Also in the Guardian
By Kevin Duffy • Published 22nd January 2013
You know what it’s like, you get very little newspaper publicity for what feels like an eternity, then two articles come along almost at the same time.
By Kevin Duffy • Published 22nd January 2013
You know what it’s like, you get very little newspaper publicity for what feels like an eternity, then two articles come along almost at the same time.
By Kevin Duffy • Published 3rd January 2013
A version of this post first appeared in the Yorkshire Post on 28th December.
2012 was a year in which whips and handcuffs played a major role, not merely in trying to secure an overdraft from my bank manager. It was the year of EL James and ‘Fifty Shades of Grey,’ and the role Bluemoose Books played in this worldwide phenomenon.