
Ghost Mountain by Rónán Hession - Great Review in The Irish Times

There was a wonderful review by Val Nolan in The Irish TImes on Saturday 25th May where his writing was compared with 'Murakami and Beckett' finishing with this sentence.

'We are very lucky that novels like this are being written today in Ireland.'

The World Book tour took in Hodges Figgis in Dublin - Waterstones , Deansgate Manchester - Waterstones Liverpool - The Book Corner Halifax and The Fitzrovia Chapel courtesy of The Irish Literary Society in London.

The response from readers has been truly wonderful, so much so we've already had to reprint. 








Ghost Mountain by Rónán Hession - World Book Tour

Delighted to announce that we will be launching Ghost Mountain by Rónán Hession at Hodges Figgis in Dublin on Thursday 23rd May at 6.30pm with the UK launch the following week at Waterstones, Deansgate, Manchester on Wednesday 29th May at 6pm. He will be at Waterstones LIverpool at 1pm on Thursday 30th May to sign copies with the Independent bookshop launch at The Book Corner in The Piece Hall, Halifax where it all started in 2019 with the launch of Leonard and Hungry Paul.




Devika Ponnambalam's novel short listed for international Prize

Congratulations Devika!

I AM NOT YOUR EVE by Devika Ponnambalam has been short listed for the world's leading literary prize for historical fiction, the £25K WALTER SCOTT PRIZE. The winner will be announced at The Border Book Festival on June 15th.


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