By Kevin Duffy • Published 21st October 2013
Team Bluemoose were at the Durham Book Festival awaiting the news of who had won the GORDON BURN Prize 2013, sat amidst the Victorian mock Tudor splendour of Durham Town Hall, when we heard those wonderful words…And the winner is…
PIG IRON by Benjamin Myers
So chuffed for Ben. There were tears from my good self, Heth my wife and some were shed by Ben’s family too, who were also present. It is just ace when a book you have fallen in love with, polished within a comma of its life and then wrapped up in a beautiful jacket, finally gets some national recognition. We will post up pictures from the doo, later on this week. There are some brilliant words about PIG IRON from Deborah Orr, one of the judges in the link below. Deborah is a columnist for The Guardian. The other two judges were, Mark Lawson, who is a presenter on BBC Radio 4′s Front Row and award winning author David Peace. Top people, one and all.
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